Wisdom Pimpin'

I get to teach the super heroes

You know the ones with the big letters on their chests

The ones the universe says are unlovable, unteachable and can’t be reached

I get to teach the super heroes


And they are just that…SPECIAL

The most amazing, the funniest, bright-eyed

Amazingly creative minded children

Yes I get to teach the super heroes

Don’t you understand that sometimes

We get in our feelings and think we’re do something

Really big by teaching, yet it’s them that do the big stuff by teaching us

There’s a lot of big people that are really ignorant

To what special education looks like… it’s like a rainbow at midnight

Brave brains that consistently go in directions

Not always able to be interpreted by psychologists and theorists

They don’t always grow, speak and learn in traditional patterns

Yet you know what? That’s what makes them amazing!

They have no filter and they sometimes tell me

When my eye shadow doesn’t match my clothes

Or when I have not so stylish shoes on

And “Ms. Ngeve did you mean to wear that shirt with those pants?”

Sometimes they shout colorful language and have tantrums

And I love them and hug them through it… I support them through each crisis

Because, though they are having an extremely challenging time,

They let me be there for them and like a record, it plays in my mind

…I am the lucky one b/c I get to see them before & after they shine